All Firearm and/or Item Inspections, Consultations, and Evaluations incur a Minimum Services/Bench Fee, equivalent to One (1) Service Hour, paid at the time your Firearm and/or Item is Received/Logged for Service. The Service/Bench Fee will be credited to the published hourly rate(s), and toward the final service component of the Firearm, Item, and/or Services provided by Impact Armory & Services, LLC.
Service: Firearm, Item, and/or Gunsmith/Armory Services are provided on a Time & Materials (T&M) Basis. Work and/or Cost Estimates are provided on request, and the Customer will be contacted if actual service may exceed the initial estimate (i.e., Parts). No work will be performed without your express approval.
Parts and/or Materials: We will use parts that our Customers provide, assuming they are safe. We will order any parts that may be needed to service your Firearm/Item. If parts are to be ordered on behalf of our Customer, these items must be paid for in advance. Estimates will be provided on any parts that may require custom fabrication. Parts are only returnable if they are defective and/or unsafe. Parts purchased that have been modified, or otherwise altered can NOT be returned, and are Non-Refundable items. The Staff of Impact Armory & Services, LLC reserve the right to refuse the use of parts and/or other components that may compromise Firearm and/or Item safety. No Warranties or Guarantees are expressed or implied on original, reproduction, or used parts/components. In the event of a Manufacturers defect related to OEM parts provided or sold to Impact Armory & Service, LLC, we will act as the Customer's agent to obtain replacement parts at no charge to the Customer.
Live Round Charge: If you request/require service on a Firearm/Item that contains a "LIVE" round, or "Unfired", or "Unspent" ordnance, there will be an additional "Live Round Charge" to facilitate the time/care required for safe handling and recovery.
Payment Information: We accept Cash and All Major Credit/Debit cards. Cash transactions reflect a discount. There is a surcharge on Credit/Debit Cards due to bank/merchant services processing fees/charges. We do NOT accept Checks, Money Orders, Crypto-Currencies, or Gift Cards.
Receiving/Logging of your Item(s): Firearms requiring services MUST be received/logged per BATF/E approved processes. Simply bring your Firearm/Items to our shop, and we will facilitate the requisite process. Please note that is our policy to return/log out Firearm/Items ONLY to the Customer who brought them in for service. If you have questions, please contact our shop for clarification.
Picking Up Completed/Serviced Items: Service Items (i.e., Firearms and Accessories) NOT picked up within 60 (Sixty) Days of the date of Service Completion will become the Property of Impact Armory & Service, LLC, and will be sold to recover outstanding service fees unless specific arrangements have been made in advance. There will be NO Customer compensation for Service Items that have become property of Impact Armory & Service, LLC.
Impact Armory & Service, LLC
250 Gold Rush Rd, STE 11
Lexington, KY 40503-2949
(859) 276-3744
Like sky diving, rock climbing and motor racing, the handling of firearms involves a certain amount of unavoidable risk. Minimizing the risk is the responsibility of the shooter. If you are not the type of person that can accept the responsibility of your own actions, guns are not for you.
The use of any custom parts or modifications may void any warranty from the manufacturer of your firearm.
We strongly recommend that the safety and function of your modified firearms be checked by a qualified gunsmith (Impact Armory & Service LLC (DBA IA&S) is a good choice!).
No liability is expressed or implied for damage, injury or death resulting from the improper use, or misuse of any Firearms, Accessories, Components, or Firearms Modified by and/or using Parts, Accessories, or Components Sourced, Provided, or Fabricated by Impact Armory & Service LLC (DBA IA&S).
Remember The Four Commandments Of Firearms Safety:
Copyright © 2011-2025 Impact Armory & Service, LLC - All Rights Reserved. Impact Armory & Services, LLC is located at 250 Gold Rush Rd., STE 11, Lexington, KY, 40503-2949, United States. Contact Us At (859) 276-3744 or
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Impact Armory & Service is OPEN to Service your Firearms, Guns, and Accessories! We operate on an Appointment-Only basis during our Scheduled Business Hours. Please click on the link directly below to schedule Your appointment for item drop-off/pick-up, and/or other services as needed. We look forward to working with you! Thanks!